Library Technology
This page:
Library Technology, generally |
Librarians and the Internet
Library Technology, generally
- The Accidental Systems Librarian - A book (and lots of links) by Rachel Singer Gordon, for those of us who fell into being systems librarians
- Overcoming the Systems Librarian Impostor Syndrome - An article by Rachel Singer Gordon
- Automated Library Systems: Tips and Hints - Planning ideas
- Biblio Tech Review
- D-Lib - "Innovation and research in digital libraries"
- Integrated Library System Reports
- LibLicense: Licensing Digital Information
- Library Technology Guides - News, trends, directory of companies (Marshall Breeding, Vanderbilt U.)
- Library Technology Now - Reviews and news
- Meta LIS Vendor Web Site Listings - List of lists of vendor Web pages
- Oss4Lib - Open Source Systems for Libraries
- Top Tech Trends (LITA)
- Transforming Traditional Libraries - A new peer-reviewed e-journal
- Zen in the Art of Troubleshooting by Terry Ballard - A classic
- Shifted Librarian - Blog on the theme of the shift from searching for information to having it come to you. (Jenny Levine)
- ALA Techsource - Tech news, forecasts, projections (American Library Association)
- ALA Techsource Blog -
A collaborative blog written by some of the foremost thinkers in library
- - John Blyberg, who does a lot of innovative stuff at Ann Arbor District Library
- Code4Lib: Code for Libraries - Includes a journal, conference, e-mail list, as well as a blog
- Librarian in Black by Sarah Houghton-Jan
- LITA Blog (Library and Information Technology Association)
- Lorcan Dempsey's Weblog - From OCLC's chief strategist and a far-sighted thinker in the field
- Tame the Web: Technology and Libraries - Michael Stephens' Blog
- What I Learned Today - Web manager Nicole Engard writes about Web 2.0, programming, blogs, RSS, wikis
- Library Terms That Users Understand by John Kupersmith, UC Berkeley
- Web Usability Testing (University of Virginia Library)
- Belmont Abbey College Library's Scholastica catalog, which uses the Visual Net technology developed by Antarctica
- North Carolina State University library catalog - Uses facets to help users refine their searches (More on this Endeca catalog)
- McMaster University Library's catalog is another that uses Endeca
- Penn Tags - The University of Pennsylvania Library has a system for users to tag items in the catalog or on the Web
- Plymouth State University library catalog - Uses Scriblio, OPAC software with faceted searching and browsing, which in turn is based on WordPress blogging software. (Note: use the search box on the left. Do not click on "Search Library Catalog.")
Library Technology Blogs:
See also
Usability Issues for Library Web Sites:
Interesting Online Public Access Catalogs (OPACs):
The following are online library catalogs with especially interesting features. If you are looking for the catalog of a specific library, see library directories
Librarians and the Internet
See also
- Library-Style Web Guides, many of them compiled by librarians
- Open Archives/Digital Libraries
- Metadata Schemas
- RSS, a standard for reading and publishing news on the Web
- Bibliography: Citing and Organizing Sources
- Blogging Libraries Wiki - "Libraries doing good things with blogs" (
- The Cyberlibrarians' Rest Stop - "Web searching, sleuthing, sifting"
- Digital Libraries - Roy Tennant's column in Library Journal
- Google Librarian Central - Featuring the Google Librarian Newsletter which tells librarians how Google can help them (and vice versa)
- Handheld Librarian - Blog on using handheld devices in libraries
- Innovative Internet Applications in Libraries (Wilton Library)
- Library and Archival Exhibitions on the Web (Smithsonian)
- Library Web Chic -
- Net-mom Jean Armour Polly coined the phrase Surfing the Internet in 1992, when she was a librarian at Liverpool (N.Y.) Public Library
- The NYPL Style Guide has become a model for those who want to produce standards-compliant Web pages
- Web4Lib Home Page
- Archive
- Also available in
blog format
(With RSS feed
- Library Web Manager's Reference Center - Useful links for Web4Lib readers
- RSS4Lib - A blog about using RSS in libraries
Web4Lib is a popular mailing list for librarians creating Web applications
- Web Manager's Resource Center - Webliography by A. Paula Wilson
- Why Librarians Should Rule the Net by Karen Coyle
- Wireless Librarian - All about libraries using wireless technology
- Writing for the Web: A Primer for Librarians (Eric H. Schnell, Ohio State University)
- Bibliography on Evaluating Web Information (Virginia Tech)
- Evaluating Internet Information - Elizabeth E. Kirk, Johns Hopkins University
- Evaluating Resource Quality (Valparaiso University Library)
- Evaluating the Quality of Information on the Internet - Recognizing technical trickery; avoiding fraud, fanaticism, and bad information (Genie Tyburski, The Virtual Chase)
- Evaluating the Quality of World Wide Web Resources - What to look for (Moellering University, Valparaiso University)
- How to Evaluate a Web Site - An annotated bibliography by LaJean Humphries (LLRX)
- Internet Detective - "Sure, you use the Internet all the time, but you need to wise up to the web when you use it for your university or college work." (Intute)
- Web Page Evaluation Checklist (UC Berkeley)
- Cataloging
Internet Resources: A Manual and Practical Guide
See also Cataloging Electronic Resources - Digital Libraries: Cataloguing and Indexing of Electronic Resources (IFLA)
- Journal of Internet Cataloging
- Organizing the Web: Resources for Librarians (Internet Public Library)
Evaluating Internet Sites:
Librarians have taken the lead in this area, just as we assist students and the public in the best use of printed and other resources