U.S. Politics and Government
How the United States government works, the major
institutions, and the politics that shapes what it does.
This page:
U.S. Politics and Government, generally |
Executive Branch |
Legislative Branch |
Judicial Branch |
Government Documents |
Law |
Politics |
State and Local Governments |
California Politics and Government
U.S. Politics and Government, generally
Guides to the U.S. Government:
- U.S. Government Manual -
The standard guide for navigating the federal government
U.S. Government Web Directories and Search Engines:
- USA.Gov - Official directory of federal
government Web sites (formerly FirstGov.gov)
- U.S. Digital Registry (DigitalGov) - Official U.S. government "social media and public-facing collaboration accounts, mobile apps, and mobile websites"
- Federal Agencies Directory (Louisiana State U. libraries)
- Gov+ - Searches federal and state government sites, news organizations, and think tanks (Clusty)
- GovEngine - Directory of federal, state, and local government Web sites
- Government Information Portal (Vanderbilt University Library)
- GovSpot
- Metalib - Search dozens of federal databases all at once or in groups
- U.S. Government Portals - Sites devoted to a specific subject, often with the domain in the form of Keyword.gov

- U.S. Politics, Government, and Law
- An annotated list of reference Websites (Alcove 9, Library of Congress)
- C-Span Video Library - Videos, many historic, going back to 1987
- FedFlix - Films produced by
government agencies (a joint venture of the National Technical Information Service and
Public.Resource.org, hosted by the Internet Archive)
Federal Government Spending, Contracts, and Benefits:
- Benefits.gov
- Budget of the United States Government
- Congressional Budget Office - Trusted by both parties to do non-partisan analysis
- DisasterAssistance.gov
- FedSpending (OMB Watch)
- GovLoans.gov
- Grants.gov
- Office of Management and Budget: Historical Tables - Comparative tables of the federal budget and related statistics
- Oversight.gov - "All federal inspector general reports in one place"
- SAM.gov - Government contracts and grants (replaces Federal Business Opportunities [FBO.gov, FedBizOpps.gov] and Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance [CFDA.gov])
- USASpending.gov - Data on federal government spending
Dictionary of Government Terms:
- GovSpeak: A Guide to U.S. Government Acronyms & Abbreviations (UC San Diego Library)
Government for Kids:
- Ben's Guide to U.S. Government
for Kids - A nicely done site with different tracks for different
- iCivics Games - Games to help kids learn about government
- Kids.gov - Official kids' portal for the U.S. government
U.S. National Symbols:
- FlagNotify - Notifications of when the flag should be flown at half staff.
- Half Staff American Flag Notifications - Get a notification when the U.S. flag or your state flag should be flown at half staff.
- National Contact Center - Directory assistance for the federal government (phone: 1-844-USA-GOV1)
- Political Graveyard - How, when and where politicians died and where they are
buried; info on living pols, too
Government: Executive Branch
Government: Legislative Branch
- Congress.gov - Congress,
including status of pending bills and recent statutes (Library of Congress)
- Resources A to Z - Links to Congressional topics and definitions, government agencies, and non-government sites
- House of Representatives
- Senate
- Center on Congress - Explains Congress to young people and adults
- GovTrack.us - Track actions of the Congress, find interactive district maps, compare versions of bills,
get RSS feeds
- Open Congress - An encyclopedia of information about Congress: members, bills, issues
Members of Congress:
- Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1774 - Present
- Congressional Directory - Official guide to members (Government Publishing Office)
- Congressional Pictorial Directory, from 1997 on (Government Publishing Office)
- Congressional District maps - 113th Congress (NationalMap.gov)
- CongressMerge - Find your representative, find members of Congress who meet certain
criteria (e.g., age, profession, religion), get schedules and lists of committee members
- Member Guide for Congress
- Write Your Representative (House of Representatives)
- How to Contact U.S. Senators
- Congress.org - Track your senators' and representative's votes by e-mail
Congressional Record:
The official source of information about what happens in Congress.
- Congressional Record - From 1989 to the present day (Congress.gov)
- Congressional Record - From 1994 to the present day (U.S. Government Publishing Office)
- Congressional Record (bound edition) - From its inception in 1873 up to several years ago (GovInfo.gov)
Congressional Hearings:
What gets said in committees.
- Congressional Hearings - Back to 1985 (U.S. Government Publishing Office)
Congressional News:
- Congressional Quarterly - Independent news about Congress
- The Hill
- Roll Call - The Capitol Hill insiders' newspaper
How a Bill Becomes a Law:
Various viewpoints.
- How Our Laws Are Made - By the House parliamentarian
- Enactment of a Law - By the Senate parliamentarian
- How Our Laws Are Made: A Ghost Writer's View - By a staffer in the Legislative Counsel's Office
Historical Legislation:
From the Library of Congress' American Memory project.
- A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation: U.S. Congressional Documents and Debates - Bills, statutes, journals, and reports from 1774-1875
- Bills and Resolutions, 1799-1873
- Statutes at Large, 1789-1875
- U.S. Serial Set - House and Senate documents and House and Senate reports,
- House of Representatives History, Art, and Archives
- Senate Historical Office
- Jefferson's Manual and Rules of the House of Representatives
- Senate Manual
Dictionaries of Congressional Terms:
- Legislative Glossary (Congress.gov)
- U.S. Senate Glossary
Congress Calculator
Enter a Congress number (e.g., 110th) and get the relevant
years, or enter a year and get the Congress number.
Note: Sometimes a "lame duck session" of Congress goes into the beginning of the odd-numbered year after the election.
Government: Judicial Branch
- United States Courts (USCourts.gov)
- U.S. Supreme Court - Current decisions are available, but since they came relatively late to the Web, other sites have larger archives. See Law below.
Supreme Court News:
- SCOTUSblog - A great source for commentary on the Supreme Court
Government Documents
Primary Sources
- Public Library of Law - Statutes and case law, federal and state
Primary Sources: Statutes
- Congress.gov - Congress, including status of pending bills and recent statutes (Library of Congress)
- U.S. Code (current): Search (House of Representatives) or Browse (Cornell)
- U.S. Code - Browse back to 1994
- Statutes at Large - Laws and resolutions passed by Congress, from 1951 on. (GPO)
- Statute Compilations
- Public Laws - From the 104th Congress (1995-1996) on (National Archives)
- Public and Private Laws - From the 104th Congress (1995-1996) on
- Popular Names of Acts in the U.S. Code - If you know the common name of a federal law, this will tell you where to find it (Cornell)
- Federal Statutes: A Beginner's Guide -
How to look up statutes (Law Library of Congress)
Primary Sources: Regulations
- Code of Federal Regulations - Annual compilations, from 1996 on.
- eCFR - Updated daily, but not the official legal version of the CFR
- Federal Register - Back to 1994
- Federal Register - Browsable back to its beginning in 1936
- Office of the Federal Register - Includes these and other legal publications
Primary Sources: Executive Orders
- Executive Orders - Back to 1937 (National Archives, Office of the Federal Register)
Primary Sources: Supreme Court Decisions
- Federal Legal Information Through Electronics (FLITE) - Searchable database of Supreme
Court decisions from 1937 (FedWorld)
- Oyez Project - Leading constitutional cases (often with audio recordings of the oral arguments),
information on the Supreme Court (Northwestern U.)
- Supreme Court decisions (via Cornell)
- Selected Historic Decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court -
From before cases were routinely posted online (c.2002) (Cornell Legal Information Institute)
- Supreme Court Database - Statistics for cases back to 1953
Secondary Sources, Legal Research:
- American Law Sources On-Line - Includes U.S. federal and state legal materials, and Canadian and Mexican sources as well
- Legal Information Institute (LII) - Full text of federal and state law, guides to various areas of the law (Cornell)
- Wex Legal Encyclopedia (Cornell)
- FindLaw - A portal for all kinds of legal information
- Hieros Gamos - U.S. and international law
- Internet Law Library - Formerly hosted at the U.S. House of Representatives' site
- Judicial Decisions - A guide to finding them (Law Library of
- Law and Politics: Internet Guide - U.S., Foreign, and International legal sources
- Law.com - Legal news
- Law Library of Congress:
- LawGuru - Legal research databases,
ask a lawyer, search legal questions and answers, etc.
- Nolo Press - Self-help legal publisher:
- Tracking Current Federal Legislation and Regulations: A Guide to Basic Sources (Congressional Research Service report 98-461)
- The Virtual Chase - "Teaching legal professionals how to do research." This site by a law
librarian covers more than just legal research, including researching companies, finding people, and finding factual
information in many areas.
Find a Lawyer:
- Find a
Lawyer, Attorney, or Law Firm - From West Legal Directory/Findlaw
(formerly LawOffice.com)
- Lawyers.com (Martindale-Hubbell)
Intellectual Property:
- U.S. Copyright Office (Library of Congress)
- Copyright Tools - Advice for librarians and educators (American Library Association)
- Copyright Website - Helps you
register a copyright and gives info on copyright law (Benedict.com)
- U.S. Patent and Trademark
Office - Search patents and trademarks
Crime and Punishment:
- Bureau of Justice Statistics
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI):
- Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics (University at Albany)
U.S. Politics
State and Local Governments
Official State and Territorial Government Web Sites:
Other Sites on States:
50 States.com: States and Capitals - Links to lots of information on every state
State and Local Sourcebook - Data on the states and largest municipalities (Governing magazine)
State Digital Resources - "Memory Projects, Online Encyclopedias, Historical & Cultural Materials Collections" (Library of Congress)
State Resource Guides - Library of Congress' resources on the culture and history of each state, with external links
Stately Knowledge (Internet Public Library)
StateMaster - Statistics on the states
Other Sites on State Government:
USA.gov: State and Territorial Governments
State and Local Government on the Net
State and Local Government Information - Research Guide (University of Michigan Library)
State and Local Governments - Directory of state government
Web sites with links to larger cities' sites (Library of Congress)
State and Territorial Governments (USA.gov)
Stateline.org - News on political developments in state governments, organized by
issue and state
Open States - Information on legislatures and legislation in every state (Sunlight Foundation)
State Agency Databases - Different kinds of
information compiled by state governments (American Library Association, Government Documents Roundtable)
State Mobile Apps Catalog (NASCIO)
State Law:
State and Local
Research Resources (Georgetown Law Library)
Guide to Law Online:
U.S. States and Territories (Law Library of Congress)
State Ballot Measures:
Ballot Measures Database - "Includes all statewide ballot measures, starting over a century ago" (National Conference of State Legislatures)
Local Governments:
Association of Counties: Find a County
Fiscally Standardized Cities - Compare
budgets of major U.S. cities
State Maps with Counties (Census):
California Politics and Government:
California State Government
Locating the Law - A guide from the Southern California Association of Law Libraries
Cal Facts - Annual summary of the state's government and economy (Legislative Analyst's Office)
Calbuzz - Political news
California Playbook - News about state government (Politico)
California Research Bureau - An office within the State Library that produces reports on issues of importance to state government
Capitol Weekly
Field Poll
MapLight California - "Revealing money's influence on politics"
Public Policy Institute of California - In-depth reports and polls on current issues
Voter's Edge - Election information for California voters
A San Francisco Progressive Directory