This page links to Web sites for media outlets and content closely associated with specific media, with the exceptions of
Books and Film. See my News page for sources of
news in multiple media
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This page:
Media, generally |
E-journals |
Magazines and Journals |
Newspapers |
Radio |
- MCS: The Media and Communications Studies Site - Directory of media outlets and critical studies of the media (Archived site)
- Media History Digital Library - Archives of periodicals dealing with the media (e.g., movie and radio fan magazines)
Web Directories of Media Sites:
- New Pages - Your guide
to independent media. A blog is available, too
- ABYZ News Links - Newspapers and other news media
- Gebbie Press - Directory of all kinds of media outlets — newspapers, magazines, radio, TV
- Headline Spot
- MediaPost - Directory of newspapers, magazines, radio & TV stations, cable, Internet
- NewsDirectory - Newspapers, magazines, television stations, etc.
- NewsLink - Links to newspaper, magazine, and radio/TV Web sites worldwide (formerly
American Journalism Review)
- NewsWealth - Newspapers, magazines, radio and TV stations, and more
- Foreign Language News and Newspapers (MIT Libraries)
For Parents:
- Common Sense Media - Reviews children's movies, games, TV shows, books, apps, web sites, and music
Alternatives and Criticism:
- See Alternative News Media, Media Criticism, and Political Research
Publications that exist online only.
- Aeon - "A world of ideas"; "We ask the big questions and find the freshest, most original answers, provided by leading thinkers on science, philosophy, society and the arts."
- The Morning News - A daily magazine with some great original writing
- Salon
- Slate
- Vox - Explains the news
Web Directories of E-Journals:
- Electronic Journal Miner - A database of over 7,000 titles (also indexed by subject)
(Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries)
- New Jour Electronic Journals & Newsletters - Over 10,000 listings
- Scholarly Journals Distributed via the World-Wide Web (U. of Houston)
Open Access Journals:
These journals are: (1) Free, (2) Scholarly (often peer-reviewed), and often (3) Online only. Also, What is Open Access? by Charles W. Bailey, Jr
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
- Livre: Portal to Free Access Journals on the Internet (Brazil Ministry of
Science and Technology)
- Open Access Directory - Lists of open-access journals and repositories
- Open Content on JSTOR - Open access books and journals; journals out of copyright
- Public Library of Science (PLoS) - Open access journals in biology and medicine, with more to come
- Peter Suber:
Longer-Form Journalism:
These sites aren't meant to be magazines or journals, but they do provide or link to some great essay-length reads.
- Longreads - Links to good articles from online magazines and newspapers
- Medium - Medium-length pieces, most written for the site
Magazines and Journals
- New York Times - The nation's leading newspaper (free, but requires registration)

- Christian Science Monitor

- Guardian - The UK's left-leaning daily

- International Herald Tribune
- Los Angeles Times
- Times of London
- Washington Post

- USA Today
Newspaper Web Directories:
- Newseum: Today's Front
Pages - See image files of the front pages of newspapers from around the world. Fascinating!
- Newspaper Map - Newspapers around the world shown on a map with color-coded pins for their languages
- World News in English - "UK newspapers online and worldwide newspapers in English" []
- World Newspapers and Magazines - International directory of English-language sites
- Home Town News - Links
to thousands of U.S. daily and weekly newspapers
- Newslink: Newspapers - International
- NewspaperIndex - International
- Newspapers and Magazines (Internet Public Library)
- Newspapers Online - U.S. and international []
- NewsVoyager - Large list of U.S., Canadian, and international papers
(Newspaper Association of America)
- The Paperboy - Newspapers worldwide
- Press Display - Like Newseum, this site makes available actual views of current newspapers
- Metagrid - Directory of newspapers by place (German site, in English)
Newspaper Archives (Historic Newspapers):
- Library of Congress:
- Brooklyn Newsstand - Historic newspapers from the borough (Brooklyn Public Library)
- British Newspaper Archive - Hundreds of newspapers from Britain and Ireland dating to the 18th century
- Elephind - Indexes millions of issues of thousands of newspapers, mainly from the United States and Australia
- Historical Newspapers Online - Thousands of U.S. newspapers archived
- Historical Newspapers, United States and Canada (
- Newspaper Indexes/Archives/Morgues - Sources used often by the Library of
Congress or those not on other lists (e.g., libraries' indexes of their local newspapers, which is the only access to some newspapers
from pre-electronic times) (LC)
- NewspaperCat - Catalog of digital historic newspapers
- Proquest Archiver - Historic newspapers from the U.S. and Canada. "Searching is always free, with a small fee to view the full article."
- U.S. News Archives on the Web and International News Archives on the Web
(Special Libraries Association, News Division)
- Pulitzer Prize