U.S. Government Portals
The following links go to subject-specific web sites published by the United States federal government, most with domains in the form of Keyword.gov. This page was inspired by one formerly available from Meriam Library, California State University, Chico
- USA.gov - Portal for the federal government
- U.S. Government Manual.gov - The standard guide for navigating the federal government
- U.S. Digital Registry (DigitalGov) - Official U.S. government "social media and public-facing collaboration accounts, mobile apps, and mobile websites"
- 1940 Census
- 2020 Census
- ADA.gov - Americans with Disabilities Act
- AfterSchool.gov - Federal resources for after-school care providers
- AgingStats.gov
- AI.gov - "Artificial intelligence for the American people"
- AirNow.gov - Get current air quality measurements
- AmericasLibrary.gov - American history for kids (Library of Congress)
- AmberAlert.gov
- Apprenticeship.gov - Helping people find apprenticeships
- Archives.gov (National Archives and Records Administration)
- BackToSchool.DrugAbuse.gov
- Benefits.gov - "Your path to government benefits"
- Broadbandmap.gov - National Broadband Map, find broadband service in your area
- BuildingAmerica.gov - Energy efficiency and renewable energy
- Business.USA.gov - Assistance for small businesses
- BuyUSA.gov - Helps U.S. businesses with international trade (U.S. Commercial Service)
- Cancer.gov (National Cancer Institute)
- Challenge.gov - Where the public can help the government with America's challenges
- ChildCare.gov - Child care information
- ChildStats.gov
- ChooseMyPlate.gov - Resources for nutrition and health (formerly MyPyramid.gov)
- CitizenScience.gov - "Helping federal agencies accelerate innovation through citizen participation"
- Climate.gov (NOAA Climate Services)
- ClimateScience.gov - Moved to GlobalChange.gov
- ClimateServices.gov
- ClinicalTrials.gov
- ClubDrugs.gov
- Code.gov - "To improve access to the federal government’s custom-developed software"
- CollegeDrinkingPrevention.gov
- CollegeScorecard.ed.gov - Get help choosing a college based on government data
- Consumer.gov - Advice from government agencies and non-profit advocacy groups (National Consumer Protection Week)
- ConsumerAction.gov - Advice for consumers with complaints
- Counter-TerrorismTraining.gov - Training and resources for law enforcement
- Coronavirus.gov (COVID-19)
- COVID.gov
- CrimeSolutions.gov
- CyberCrime.gov - Computer crime and intellectual property (Dept. of Justice)
- Data.gov - All kinds of data from the federal government, available for reuse
- Dems.gov - Democrats in the House of Representatives
- DigitalLiteracy.gov - Efforts to educate people of all ages
- DigitalPreservation.gov - Library of Congress program to preserve digital information
- Disability.gov - Information and opportunities for the disabled
- DisasterAssistance.gov
- Distraction.gov - Distracted driving
- Drought.gov - Drought portal (National Integrated Drought Information System)
- DrugAbuse.gov
- DrugAbuseStatistics.samhsa.gov
- Earth Day
- Earthquakes.usgs.gov
- EconomicIndicators.gov
- eConsumer.gov - A portal to report complaints about online and related transactions with foreign companies
- Energy.gov (Dept. of Energy)
- EnergyFiles.OSTI.gov - Research databases about energy and related fields
- EnergySavers.gov - Advice on saving energy
- EnergyStar.gov - Products certified to save energy
- Estuaries.gov
- Ethics.gov - Campaign finance records, lobbyists' reports, White House visitor records
- ExpectMore.gov - Government performance
- Export.gov - Helping U.S. companies export
- Fatherhood.gov - National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse
- FederalRegister.gov - Unofficial, Web 2.0 prototype site for the Federal Register
- FederalReserve.gov
- FedStats,sites.USA.gov - All kinds of statistics collected by the federal government
- FedWorld.gov - Various government databases, such as Supreme Court decisions, federal web sites, NTIS reports, etc.
- Fire.gov - Fire research
- FireSafety.gov
- Fitness.gov
- Flu.gov - Pandemic flu, H1N1 (formerly PandemicFlu.gov)
- FOIA.gov - Learn how to use the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and get reports on how many requests are processed each year
- FOIAonline - Search Freedom of Information Act requests or make one of your own
- FoodSafety.gov
- ForeignAssistance.gov
- FuelEconomy.gov
- Genome.gov - Genome research
- Geodata.gov - U.S. maps and data
- GeoPlatform.gov - Platform for geospatial data
- GetInternet - Assistance with high-speed internet
- GetYouHome.gov - Information for travelers between the U.S. and Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, or Bermuda
- GirlsHealth.gov
- GlobalChange.gov (U.S. Global Change Research Program), formerly ClimateScience.gov
- Globe.gov - GLOBE Program: Students learn to do hands-on geographical measurements
- GOP.gov - Republicans in the House of Representatives
- GovInfo.gov - To become the main portal for the most important government documents
- GovLoans.gov
- Grants.gov
- Health.gov (Dept. of Health and Human Services)
- HealthCare.gov - The health insurance marketplace established by the Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare")
- HealthData.gov
- HealthFinder.gov - "Live well, learn how"
- HealthierUS.gov - "Credible, accurate information to help you choose to live a healthier life"
- HealthyPeople.gov - Objectives for improving the health of all Americans
- HIV.gov (formerly AIDS.gov)
- HIV.DrugAbuse.gov
- HomeSales.gov - Homes for sale by the U.S. government
- HumanRights.gov - News on human rights around the world
- IdentityTheft.gov
- Inhalants.DrugAbuse.gov
- InsureKidsNow.gov
- Intelligence.gov - Intelligence agencies
- InvasiveSpecies.gov
- InvasiveSpeciesInfo.gov - National Invasive Species Information Center (National Agricultural Library)
- Investor.gov - Securities and Exchange Commission's portal aimed at investors
- JewishHeritageMonth.gov
- Kids.gov - Kids' portal of the federal government
- KlamathRestoration.gov - Multi-agency effort to restore the Klamath River watershed (Ore.-Calif.)
- LetsMove.gov - Promotes exercise and healthy eating
- LocatorPlus.gov - Search for book, journal audiovisual titles in the National Library of Medicine collections
- Login.gov - Login to participating government agencies
- MakingHomeAffordable.gov
- Manufacturing.gov - "Information on issues surrounding the competitiveness of American manufacturers and service industries"
- Medicare.gov
- MedlinePlus.gov - Medical information
- MentalHealthCommission.gov
- Mentor.gov - Find a mentoring opportunity
- Minerals.usgs.gov
- MoneyFactory.gov (Bureau of Printing and Engraving)
- MyMoney.gov - Financial advice
- NationalMap.gov - Topographic maps
- NationalService.gov
- NewMoney.gov - Re-designed U.S. currency
- NonProfit.gov - Grants, loans, and other assistance for nonprofits
- NotAlone.gov - "Together against sexual assault"
- Nutrition.gov - Recipe finder
- OnGuard Online - "Be on guard against Internet fraud, secure your computer, and protect your personal information"
- OrganDonor.gov
- OSTI.gov (Office of Scientific and Technical Information)
- OurDocuments.gov - 100 milestone documents in American history
- Oversight.gov - "All federal inspector general reports in one place"
- Pay.gov - Make payments to federal agencies
- Performance.gov - "Progress on the Administration’s efforts to create a government that is more effective, efficient, innovative, and responsive"
- Publications.USA.gov (formerly Pueblo.GSA.gov)
- PublicDebt.Treas.gov
- Read.gov - Center for the Book, Library of Congress
- Ready.gov - Disaster preparedness
- Recalls.gov - Product recalls
- RecoveryMonth.gov - National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month
- Recreation.gov - Federal recreation opportunities
- Regulations.gov - Proposed and final regulations
- RestoreTheGulf.gov - Response and recovery from the Deepwater BP oil spill in April 2010
- Rivers.gov (National Wild and Scenic Rivers System)
- SAM.gov - Government contracts
- SaferCar.gov
- SaferProducts.gov
- Science.gov - Science information from the federal government
- SAM.gov - System for Award Management: doing business with or getting assistance from the federal government
- ScienceBase.gov - Data from earth and life sciences projects (U.S. Geological Survey)
- Seniors.gov
- Serve.gov - Community service
- SmartCheck - Check on the background of financial professionals
- SmartGrid.gov - Information about the smart electrical grid
- SmokeFree.gov
- Smoking.DrugAbuse.gov
- SteroidAbuse.gov
- StopAlcoholAbuse.gov
- StopBullying.gov
- StudentAid.ed.gov
- StudentLoans.gov - Advice about paying off student loans
- Students.gov - Advice for high school students on college, the military, and careers
- SurgeonGeneral.gov
- TakePride.gov - Promotes appreciation and stewardship of our public lands
- Teens.DrugAbuse.gov
- Time.gov - Official U.S. time
- Trade.gov - Promotes trade
- Travel.State.gov - Travel advice (State Dept.)
- TreasuryDirect.gov - Buy and redeem U.S. Treasury bonds (also: TreasuryHunt.gov)
- UrbanWaters.gov
- USAid.gov
- USAJobs.gov - Federal government jobs
- USASpending.gov - Data on federal government spending
- USATradeOnline.gov (Subscription service)
- Vaccines.gov
- VetBiz.gov - Assistance for veterans running businesses
- Veterans.gov - Employment resources for veterans
- VetSuccess.gov - Assistance for veterans in transitioning to civilian life
- VisibleEarth.nasa.gov - NASA images
- Volunteer.gov - America's natural and cultural resources volunteer portal
- Vote.gov - Register to vote in any state or territory
- Water.usgs.gov - Water resources of the United States (Also available: state water pages such as CA.Water.usgs.gov)
- WaterData.usgs.gov
- WaterMonitor.gov - Streamflow, reservoirs, groundwater, forecasts, snow
- Weather.gov (National Weather Service)
- WebHarvest.gov - National Archives and Records Administration's program to archive certain federal web sites
- Whistleblowers.gov (Office of the Whistleblower Protection Program, Occupational Safety and Health Administration)
- WildlifeAdaptationStrategy.gov - National fish, wildlife, and plants climate adaptation strategy
- WomensHealth.gov
- WomensHistoryMonth.gov
- Youth.gov
Portals for Government Employees:
- Analytics.usa.gov - Statistics on government web sites
- Apps.gov - Cloud computing tools from GSA
- CitizenServices.gov - Customer service advice for government agencies
- Cloud.gov - An application environment for federal agencies moving their data to the cloud
- DigitalGov.gov - Advising government agencies of best practices
- DotGov.gov - Registration for .gov domains
- FedCenter - "Comprehensive environmental stewardship and compliance assistance information for Federal facility managers and their agencies"
- HowTo.gov - "Helping agencies deliver a great customer experience
- PlainLanguage.gov - Improving communication from the federal government to the public
- Section508.gov - Government rules on making web sites accessible
- StateLocal.gov - Resources for state and local government employees
- Usability.gov - Guide to developing usable and useful web sites
- USALearning.gov - E-learning for the federal workforce (formerly GoLearn.gov)
- WebContent.gov - Advice on better web sites for government
Spanish-Language Portals:
- GobiernoUSA.gov
- Ciencia.Science.gov - Portal federal de ciencia
- Consumidor.gov
- Listo.gov - FEMA's Spanish-language equivalent of Ready.gov
- RoboDeIdentidad.gov - Spanish-language equivalent of IdentityTheft.gov
Portals that don't exist:
- BuildBackBetter.gov - Former site of Biden-Harris transition
- Change.gov - Former site of the Obama-Biden Transition
- GreatAgain.gov - Former site of the Trump transition
- Law.gov - A proposed repository of all primary legal materials of the United States. (Currently Law.gov redirects to the Law Library of Congress)